12 December 2008

here it is....?

there we go.
[a better image will be taken later, this is just to put it here]

detail of some of the sewing at the top left corner

detail of the "ribbon" part

my cat was walking across the thing when i was trying to take these pics...

Technically [well, in reality] it still isn't finished. And I am kicking myself. But I'm down to the ribbons, which should go faster. I'll post the real final pics as soon as I'm done, but I have no idea when that will be exactly.

Dear Val:

I will have the pics up today. Hopefully around 3 this afternoon, but possibly as late as 5. The only thing that'll be missing is that one 'do something you've never done' assignment. I forgot to take a picture of it, and I'm currently back home while my drawing is still in the dorm. But the selfportrait will be up.

I have various other progress pics hidden here and here.


30 November 2008

wooden spoon

i carved it for my project class! yay! it's very smooth, but i kinda wish it was stained... but i was dumb and didn't finish sanding it while i was home in time to use some stain we have there, so it's just plain... still, i'm pretty proud of it! yay!

drawing: complete!

torso! finished!

beginning the 3rd sheet

the 3 sheets put together


completed drawing!! not a very good pic...

first stitches! added to the bra, where i actually have ribbon stitching...

hard to see, but there's stitching here too...

the start of blobby abstract border shapes... if the embroidery turns out to fail, i've got a back-up plan: cut paper, which can easily hide the unsightly holes left by the thread!

23 November 2008

continued sexiness

not the best pics, but still. i'm getting really excited about this! i'm glad i'm not totally sick of this yet. that's probably because i'm going through this so fast and i really like how it's looking. i totally think it's sexy. not sure about my body itself, but the drawing is looking awesome.

22 November 2008

finished one of the papers! yay!

i gotta say, those are some sexy clavicles. the face looks a little weird, but the chest area is awesome. i'm pretty proud of it. i'm trying to do one paper a day, so tomorrow i'll be doing the whole torso... that's a lot of work...

finished outline

hey!! i started my drawing!

yay! i've actually gotten a bit farther than this by now... i've drawn my knees! but i forgot to take a pic, and i don't want to unroll the drawing, so... yeah...

21 November 2008

giant self portrait!!

so, here's what my life size self portrait will be. pencil drawing, super detailed, cuz i need to work on drawing what i actually see... i've been drawing myself so much i don't even look anymore, so my portraits don't really look like me anymore. anyway, pencil drawing with an embroidered background. it will be intense and crazy and hopefully awesome. the final size will be 29.75 x 66.5 in, meaning the figure will be a little under life size.


all my reference pics laid out to be the figure

trying to show the grid on this pic, which is 4.25 x 9.5 with quarter inch squares

outlining where each of the reference pics is and what it shows and how they interact and all that

the 2 pics next to each other.

i'm starting the grid on the big paper, which will take a while to get... then i can actually start the drawing! the sqaures on it are 1.75 inches. i'm using 4 pieces of 22x30 paper, which i outlined rectangles on to make them more reasonable. 3 are 29.75 x 18 and the fourth is 29.75 x 12.5.

i really liked this one pic, when i was trying to get the whole figure so i can actually piece it all together. it almost looks like i'm naked or something.

28 October 2008


These five pics are from a day or so ago, so my book has evolved since I took these. But it's all I have right now, and Cesley has my camera for the Rock the Vote concert, so I can't take more. Whatever, the images are from pages that are pretty much the same [except the one of the 3rd major, as I have now filled in what it is].

The front cover! Made of matt board with gold pen and origami paper cut outs.

Title page for Crafts and Material Studies. More origami cut outs.

Title page for Photography. It's my least favorite... Origami paper...

There's no title here, but now there is. Title page for Painting and Printmaking. This one is my favorite. Origami paper.

Back cover...

another try...

Another try at uploading my final Big Print submission. I had forgotten about it until I got to class today. So, while waiting for the rubber cement to dry, I'll try once again to upload it.


It finally worked.

I'm awesome.

21 October 2008

Abstract paintings

Thusly, my abstract paintings! The top is ink, and 15x20, the bottom is acrylic, and also 15x20.

Wow, I haven't put anything here in a long time... oops...

30 September 2008

Night Horse FINAL!


It's finished, but for some reason doesn't want to upload here. No clue why...

I'll try again tomorrow, or tonight, or sometime before next class.

In the meantime, it's on my flash drive.

So, that's that.

Every time I try to upload the image, the colors get inverted for some reason... It's very frustrating.

I can't do anything about it from this computer, but hopefully I can fix it at one of the AFO computers.

27 September 2008

updated past work...

Unfortunately, the site I was using for my old work [see a previous post] is being shut down due to the investors and the economy... something like that. So, until I get around to making a deviantart page, I've uploaded all the work from there to photobucket! Cuz if I hadn't done that, those pieces would be lost in the interwebs forever. And I like those pieces. I don't want to have to take those slides all over again... That would suck.

SO, here's where the art is now! Soon [like, later this week, or even tomorrow] it'll be on deviantart. But until then, it's just on photobucket. How boring.

24 September 2008

Time Studio updates continued!

just a link to the real post, over on my regular blog...

so that i don't clutter up this one with stuff from other classes so that no one can find anything for surface here...


enjoy, i guess.

23 September 2008

Big Print Project: Progress!

Yay! That's what I have for the Big Print contest thing. It's a different image than I had originally picked, but I like it much better. It's way more interesting...

Here's the original image:

In about an hour I'll be picking the print up from the Graphics Lab, and that'll be that! Yay!

Time Studio updates!

The following 3 videos are short vids from when I was working on ideas for my 1-minute project. They're from a couple days ago when Jenny decided to cover my leg in duct tape. So, here I am taking the duct tape off...

And then there's the weird stuffed animals I'm using for my actual video. They'll be chasing Bayly around Monroe Park at night. They're currently unfinished, as I need to get Nicole to draw weird faces on them. But, here they are right now:

They're made of canvas (as it's the only fabric I have) and stuffed with tissues. Green ones.

I have to figure out how they'll actually be chasing Bayly... I was thinking putting sticks in them and having someone holding them and running after her...

16 September 2008

the rest of the 14!

numbers 9 - 14! yay!