28 October 2008


These five pics are from a day or so ago, so my book has evolved since I took these. But it's all I have right now, and Cesley has my camera for the Rock the Vote concert, so I can't take more. Whatever, the images are from pages that are pretty much the same [except the one of the 3rd major, as I have now filled in what it is].

The front cover! Made of matt board with gold pen and origami paper cut outs.

Title page for Crafts and Material Studies. More origami cut outs.

Title page for Photography. It's my least favorite... Origami paper...

There's no title here, but now there is. Title page for Painting and Printmaking. This one is my favorite. Origami paper.

Back cover...

another try...

Another try at uploading my final Big Print submission. I had forgotten about it until I got to class today. So, while waiting for the rubber cement to dry, I'll try once again to upload it.


It finally worked.

I'm awesome.

21 October 2008

Abstract paintings

Thusly, my abstract paintings! The top is ink, and 15x20, the bottom is acrylic, and also 15x20.

Wow, I haven't put anything here in a long time... oops...